Pasture Trial ReviewsSoil carbon types & carbon flows

Adding tonnes of manure and compost to perennial pastures didn’t change soil carbon

Anecdotal examples of increasing soil carbon stocks by changing livestock grazing and pasture management are common, but long term statistically significant trial data demonstrates making a significant change is likely to be difficult especially in perennial pasture paddocks where the existing carbon level in above 3%

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EnvironmentMacedon Ranges Shire

Victoria’s rural road speed guidelines ignore wildlife existence

Victoria’s state government departments responsible for maximum speed limits on minor rural roads and safety and welfare of wildlife do not recognize vehicles travelling to fast to avoid collisions with wildlife on minor rural roads, are the cause of an increasing number of wildlife road kills and injuries.

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Holistic Farming & Landcare

Can dingoes contribute to ecological restoration of the WA rangelands?

David Pollock contends there is an argument in some pastoral areas such as where Wooleen station is, for using dingoes as a means to reduce uncontrolled grazing pressure of kangaroos and feral goats because the station livestock carrying capacities are so low due to land degradation that the pastoral businesses cannot afford to contribute to the costs of dog control.

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Holistic Farming & Landcare

Sustainable Intensification of agriculture – for food and nutritional security

According to 2019 Farrer Medalist, Professor Tim Reeves, agricultural sustainability successes have resulted from the combined efforts of scientists and farmers working together to identify, develop and adapt new technologies and systems to both address continuing challenges to productivity and profitability, and to also seize the new opportunities that continually arise.

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