Macedon Ranges Shire

Macedon Ranges ShireWorld Food & Markets

Local food ignored in council’s Climate Emergency Plan

Support for local food production not a Macedon Ranges Shire Council priority.

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Macedon Ranges Shire

Council hears knock but door remains shut on pedestrian and wildlife safety

The Macedon Ranges Shire Council had an opportunity to give its residents an enlightened road safety plan to enhance living in a rural setting and interacting with nature. Instead its plan continues to prioritise driver convenience above public and wildlife safety on rural roads close to shire towns.

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EnvironmentMacedon Ranges ShireWorld Food & Markets

Romsey Structure Plan skittles environment, local food and lifestyle objectives – Why it should be returned to authors for further investigation

If re-written with a vision to embrace solutions to lower greenhouse gas emissions, abate carbon dioxide, use nature to address the Climate and Biodiversity emergencies, and encourage local food production, the Romsey Structure Plan would provide a blue print for sustainable development within town boundaries across the shire and give resident families the life styles they move to the shire to experience.

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EnvironmentMacedon Ranges Shire

Wildlife rescue services provide clues to native animals threats

Wildlife rescues and road kills increasing as vehicle drivers maximum speed limit remains unaltered in wildlife hot spots.

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Macedon Ranges Shire

Roadkill update: another wombat killed

Wildlife road kills continue on minor rural roads west of Romsey which have a default 100km per hour maximum speed limit when the safe speed for wildlife, pedestrians and cyclists is less that 50km per hour.

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Macedon Ranges Shire

Shire’s Romsey growth options are missed opportunity to combat climate change and reduce greenhouse gases

The Romsey Structure Plan Options and Scenarios fail to account for their housing estates greenhouse production and the lost opportunity to sequester greenhouse gases and recover biodiversity with enlightened farm land use change around the town.

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EnvironmentMacedon Ranges Shire

Victoria’s rural road speed guidelines ignore wildlife existence

Victoria’s state government departments responsible for maximum speed limits on minor rural roads and safety and welfare of wildlife do not recognize vehicles travelling to fast to avoid collisions with wildlife on minor rural roads, are the cause of an increasing number of wildlife road kills and injuries.

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