Moffitts Farm Wiltipoll lawn-mowing sheep
Sheep can be a useful addition to the ride-on mower for people with large expanses of grass around their country homes. If you have an easy to maintain sheep, such as the Wiltipoll (no shearing needed and unlikely to ever be fly-struck), with a calm and friendly disposition, such as those from Moffitts Farm, they can be the ultimate no stress lawn mower support for larger yards, lane ways and storage areas such as wood and equipment yards.
These sheep are perfect for the lifestyle or small farmer who wants livestock on the property but not the work associated with shearing and crutching. They are appropriate even for people with little livestock management experience and without traditional sheep handling facilities, such as shearing sheds or yards. These sheep are an excellent option for school farms too.
The lawn mower sheep are easily trained to follow their owner by regularly feeding them a treat like sheep pellets and lucerne chaff. Photo: Patrick Francis.
Moffitts Farm Wiltipoll lawn-mowing sheep are wethers, which means they are male sheep which cannot breed and are non-aggressive. They will live for up to ten years and simply need shade, fencing, water and plenty of pasture all year round. Give them a no-stress environment (so they are not being chased by dogs, horses nor humans) and they will remain curious and approachable for their whole lives. Moffitts Farm Wiltipolls do not need to be herded but will follow humans to a new paddock. The best way to keep them interested in following is to keep a supply of sheep pellets and/or lucerne chaff on hand and give them a cup full from a bucket as an occasional treat.
The great thing about Moffitts Farm Wiltipoll lawn-mowing sheep is they do all their work powered by natural grass and they fertilise the paddock as they graze.
Prices and availability
Moffitts Farm Wiltipoll lawn-mowing sheep will be available from February to June each year. Numbers are limited so first in best dressed.
For welfare reasons we do not sell single sheep. You must buy at least two – sheep are flock animals which require company.
Price: $200 each plus GST
You can collect your sheep from Moffitts Farm, near Romsey, Victoria, using a trailer or horse float. For more information or to arrange a purchase, contact: Patrick Francis, 0418 351 567,
A Frequently Asked Questions fact sheet is available here: Moffitts Farm Wiltipoll Lawn Mowing Sheep FAQ
Hello there what to know is it possible to grow up a couple of sheep or owe and a lamb at a time on a a small area for meat for a family, it would be next year now,
It is possible to raise lambs for home use meat providing you provide adequate nutrition for both body maintenance and growth. There always should be a minimum of two sheep in the paddock at all times. Sheep are flock animals and are likely to be stressed if left alone. Slaughter of sheep must also be done by people trained for that task. While there are mobile butchers that will slaughter animals on farm, I think it is best to have animals slaughtered at a licensed abattoir.
Many thanks for the info we were trying to find this while we were checking the web and also your site came up– Many thanks