Soil carbon types & carbon flows

Soil carbon types & carbon flows

Proliferation of soil carbon credit projects despite scientists urging caution

Emission Reduction Fund soil carbon projects are proliferating on Australian farms despite warnings from scientists they are not providing permanent carbon abatement.

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Soil carbon types & carbon flows

Gap between soil carbon abatement science and trading credits growing wider

Two new publications about the science of soil carbon abatement do not align well with the optimism amongst carbon project facilitators for achieving permanent, commercially large increases through changing land management practices.

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Pasture Trial ReviewsSoil carbon types & carbon flows

Adding tonnes of manure and compost to perennial pastures didn’t change soil carbon

Anecdotal examples of increasing soil carbon stocks by changing livestock grazing and pasture management are common, but long term statistically significant trial data demonstrates making a significant change is likely to be difficult especially in perennial pasture paddocks where the existing carbon level in above 3%

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Soil carbon types & carbon flows

Recognizing the soil carbon sponge to counter global warming

In the soil, the decomposition of living things forms the soil carbon sponge, which can resiliently sustain plant life, affect the earth’s hydrology and heat balance, and may give humans the near-term leverage we need to avert catastrophic climate change, restore hydrologic function, maintain our economies and civilizations, and maintain and enhance human health.

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